Multiply any number by 12

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24 Dec 2013

To multiply any number by 12 Just double last digit and thereafter double each digit and add it to its neighbour number.

Let's take an example:
21314 × 12

Step 1021314 × 12= .................8
(Double of last digit 4=8)

Step 2021314 × 12=.................8
(Double 1=2, and add it to  4, 2+4=6)

Step 3021314 × 12=.......768
(3=6, add it to 16+1=7)

Step 4021314 × 12=...5768
(1=2, add it to 32+3=5)

Step 5021314 × 12=..55768
(Double 24, and add it to 14+1=5)

Step 6021314 ×12=255768
(Double 0=0, add it to 20+2=2)

Answer is:- 255768

15 Dec 2013
Make Multiplication more simpler

To save time in the mathematics examination learning easy tricks of multiplication can be a great ideas with less efforts often even simple questions consume time because of its lengthy calculations. Here is a trick to multiply a two digit number by 11.
Learn how to do it....

Let us take an example 65 × 11

Step 1: Focus on the number 65 and split the number like 6.......5

Step 2: Now add the two digit of 65 

                     I.e  6 +11
The answer is a two digit number.

Step 3: We Cannot place 11 in the middle of the two digits of 65. So write 1 in between 6 and 5. Carry over the remaining 1 to the first digit I.e 6.

Answer is 715.

8 Dec 2013
Make your calculations quick.......

Multiplying any number with 15 may consume some time to get the answer. But this trick or simple math rule will help to improve your arthmetic computation speed.
Let's know it how.

We will take a 2 digit number. 67×15
Step 1: Put 0 at the end of the number 67 I.e 670
Step 2: Divide 670 by 2, you will get 335.
Step 3: Add the 2 numbers I.e
335 670

ANSWER IS:- 1005

Another example 224 × 15
Step 1: At the end I.e 2240
Step 2: Divide by 2 = 1120
Step 3: Add the numbers 
2240 + 1120 = 3360 
Answer is 3360

18 nov 2013
multiply up to 20×20 in your head.

With this trick you will be able to multiply any two numbers from 11 to 19 in your head quickly, without the use of pen-paper or calculater.

Here is a simple way to maje your multiplication quick. Try these Steps..... 
To multiply  15×13 
1. Add 15+3=18
2. Put a zero behind it or multiply by 10 = 180 
3. Multiply the digits 5×3=15
4. Add the answers 180+15=195 
         Answer is 195 

Another example: 18×19
2. Put a zero= 270
3. Multiply 8×9=72
4. Add 270+72=342
Answer is 342 

8 nov 2013
Quick trick for multiplication

It often happens that students get stuck in multiplying any number by 99. Instead of wasting time let's learn an easy trick which would make the task easier and time saving too. Take a look on this rule.

To multiply a two digit number by 99 follow these steps:- 
49 × 99
Step 1. 46 × (100  1)
Step 2. 4600  46
The answer is -4554

For multiplying a four digit number. 
2841 × 99
2841 × (100 1)
284100 -  2841
The answer is -281259
The same rule goes for three digit number.


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